Assassination Classroom 1×18 Reaction
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Final wrap up had me in stiches and so did the snail discussion, this is why you guys rule lmao.
This entire island arc I like to call the “shit gets real” arc cause it really starts to test the cast in new, more intense ways.
Y’all are making this invincible snail problem too complicated. U have a billion dollars pay someone to put it in a box. The snail still moves at a snails pace so catching it isn’t hard. And if it only kills u if it catches u, nothing says it has super strength or acid. Trap it in a box and keep it on a shelf in ur house it can keep crawling towards u but it’s never leaving the box
Also u have to remember about the mystery guy seems to know the class pretty well but how much info on the class is being shared with people around the world. It’s a big secret after all
Part of the snail rule is that it’s unstoppable so you can’t trap/catch it
Probably my favorite discussion paired with my favorite wrap up.