Eric – Crew

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  • #138694
    Jack Millar

    Is there a creative project with or without the blind wave crew that you would like to pursue? Media / Non-Media?


    Are you still close to Shane?


    What is for you the most important aspect of a videogame? I absolutely love your Mass Effect, Half Life, God of War and Legend of Zelda streams!

    Joshua C.

    Hey, Eric!
    I’m a longterm fan of the channel, and I love all the passion and energy you all bring to our favorite fandoms!
    In many of your videos, you mention a lot of Biblical figures and verses from Scripture. I was wondering, are you a Christian?

    Cellan Thomas

    Have you ever had disagreements over the direction of the channel and what kind of content you want to make?


    What are some story settings/elements that you are always happy/excited to see in a fiction? (Example: Post Apocalyptic, space sci-fi, mythology reference)

    If you can pick any actor to play you in a movie or show who would you choose?


    I constantly rewatch your hxh reactions especially the chimera ant arc. How much do you love this show and is it your favorite anime ? Also, is there any chance that you’ve read the manga or that you are willing to do so ?


    This one’s for the whole crew, Eric also Rick with having watched dbz or dragon ball growing up what are some pointers you would give on how to write power scaling without it being too messy or even distracting
    For example not to compare other shows
    But jujutsu kaisen for example has a power system that’s too complicated or at least tries to be and it comes off as messy, as where chainsaw man has almost the exact same power system but pulls it off due to its simplicity it’s a power system that’s meant to be played with and enjoyed by fans and the good thing about such simple power scaling is that you don’t have to wait for the story to tell you who’s stronger between x and x because you yourself can come to that conclusion, for example who’d be stronger between the doctor devil vs the dentist devil you can say that as long as there’s kids there’s always gonna be a fear of dentist making it a formidable devil but you can also say as long as there’s sickness, diseases, bacteria or even thoughts like dying in a surgery room doctors will be feared making it a slightly stronger devil in my opinion, anyways sorry for the long winded question thanks


    What are your top 10 favorites foods! And as someone who’s in a similar health situation as you, I’d like to hear any tips on how to try living healthier while working a time consuming and sometimes draining job

    Fabian Perception

    When and how did you come into your cheerful outlook on media consumption?


    Eric mentioned he loves his chair… I need a new one. What kind of chair are you using?


    Do you think you’ll get another cat in the future?


    What does is feel like to be watched by people outside of the US, who have different cultures and speak different languages?


    How are things with Shane these days? For yourself and the other Crew Members?


    Hoe did your family respond to you saying you aren’t a christian anymore?

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