Rick – Crew

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  • #141612

    Hey Rick, got a bit of a two-parter here

    As someone that talks a lot about mental health and various approaches towards it, I was curious if you’ve ever played the game Firewatch? and if not then I very highly recommend it!

    It’s my favourite game and I always find myself replaying it when im in a tough spot. Is there a “comfort game” that you often find yourself going back to?

    Anyell Gomez

    This question is for all members of BlindWave.
    I know that the previous DND and Dungeon Crawler Classics probably won’t be able to continue due to the circumstances of the BlindWave Members. However will there ever be more DND at all? I miss the crew getting into all the waky adventures and crazy situations. Like Eric’s midget and frog priest in DDC. Eric getting fully Torqued, Rick as MissTress and Gladys in Torchbearer Academy, Calvin’s veiny face, and Aaron’s tendency to be a tree hugger.
    I know it seems redundant to ask for something like this but I truly miss this series. You don’t even need to continue the old ones but I would really love more fun and dumb adventures.
    -Sincerely The Dark Lord Mia Belle


    What are your top 3 favourite anime OPs?


    What are your 3 least favourite anime OPs NOT from Naruto?

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