Forum Replies Created

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  • #138982

    What are some story settings/elements that you are always happy/excited to see in a fiction? (Example: Post Apocalyptic, space sci-fi, mythology reference)

    If you can pick any actor to play you in a movie or show who would you choose?


    What are some show/movie/anime you’ve seen (not necessarily have to be from the channel) that you go in with the less expectation but ended up being something you enjoy a lot or even very special in your heart?

    Do you have a series that you are really interested but haven’t got into either because it’ll take too long, don’t wanna get through a specific part, or any other reasons?

    Love you all man, wish the best for you guys 🙏


    Hey so this is more of a question for the crew but I asked here cause I really want to know what Aaron’s answer will be:
    What’s your number 1 most unpopular opinion?


    This question is honestly for the whole crew but I’m especially curious for Calvin, if for an entire year you can only eat food from a certain country and you don’t need to pay any money for it, what country would you choose?

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