How can I recommend Blind Wave Shows and Movies to react to?
“Can you please react to ___________ (insert title here)!?” is a phrase that haunts our dreams. The calls come from everywhere – social media, discord, or screamed out the window of college campuses (true story: someone randomly yelled out “react to One Piece” while we were filming the Wavecon promo!)
We receive so many recommendations that’s it’s impossible to keep track. We’ve tried annual mass surveys to catalog and determine what you want to see, but it was a tremendous effort (thanks mods!) that would quickly be outdated.
So we’ve developed a system here on this website where you can keep a list of 3 shows and 3 movies that you most want to see us react to. We compile all users’ votes to a list that we reference when we are creating polls, or when we want to pick up a show. Voting is easy and is available to everyone! It’s also super important in determining what we’re going to watch on the channel!
Sounds great! How do I vote?
First, you have to make sure that you have an account here on our website. Don’t worry, it’s free and easy to make an account. Just click the register button in the upper right-hand side of the screen and follow the steps.
Once you’ve made an account, voting is easy! Just click on the profile icon in the upper right and then click “Recommendation“.
You’ve arrived at the Recommendations page! From here type in the name of the show or movie you want to vote for in the search bar. Once you find the one you’re looking for, click vote to add it to your list. You only get 3 votes each so choose wisely!
You can view and remove votes at any time over on the right side of the screen. You can switch between your lists for TV Shows or Movies by click on the buttons at the top. Note that these buttons won’t show up if you haven’t voted for any shows yet!
Future Updates
Thanks for your recommendations! Please feel free to also recommend changes you’d like to see to our website. You can reach out on our discord or social media, fill out our contact form, or just comment on this post. We’ve already made a ton of improvements since launch and have a lot of new and exciting features in development. The new recommendation feature is available to everyone, but if you really love what we’re doing there’s no better way to support us than by GOING BEYOND!
Thanks so much for watching!
i changed the recommending for movies and tv shows for movies i changed it to goosebumps the movie and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective but still stayed the same Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama which takes place before season 2 and i changed one of the tv shows to Marvel’s Avengers Assemble and kim possible and Pokémon Evolutions stayed the same
and pokemon evolutions show
kim possbile the show and movie and the batman beyond tv show and movie
Here to recommend Fargo (TV)!! Feeling like it’s right down Blindwave’s alley. Each season has great actors, writing, and directing!
I think interior Chinatown would be a fun watch it’s only 10 episodes it’s like a mixture between everything everywhere all at once and the trauman show plus Chloe bennet is in it so I think Eric and Aaron especially would enjoy that
Alice in borderlands is peak
My movie and TV show recommendations are (in no order):
*Osmosis Jones – 2001 live-action/animated buddy cop comedy film.
*My Super Ex-Girlfriend – 2006 superhero romantic comedy film.
*Mashle: Magic and Muscles – 2023 anime series, based on the 2020 manga series. Think a Harry Potter-like settning starring a hero who is kinda like “Black Clover’s Asta mixed with One-Punch Man’s Saitama”. The anime currently consists of two seasons with a third one coming soon.
These are my recommendations. Thanks, and have a good one! 🙂
Society of the Snow is a must watch!
Agreed. The performances are so good and it’s very well directed.
tried to recommend alien stage but there’s no vote button for it at all
I wonder if it’d be possible for people to add short comments on their recommendations? As a viewer who’s likely to list less popular or harder to find shows, I think it might be helpful to write brief explanations of why I’m reccing them or even where to watch them at all. Of course, realistically, such obscure recs have zero chance of ever winning a poll, but should the Blind Wave crew or anyone else, really, show an interest, I want to be able to point them in the right direction at least, maybe link a character guide, lol. Just a thought!
please react to scott pilgrim!!
I put in a recommendation for Once Upon a Time. If Lost and WandaVision had a kid, it would be Once Upon a Time. You have magic at the heart, mixed with mysteries. The stories this show tells, remind me of Doctor Who at times. The creativity is so great! I know this may not be a highly recommended show. Please watch the trailer for the first season at least. I think this show is right up your alley and you would love it!
Can you take off Batman: The Animated Series along with The New Batman Adventures on the recommendation list since you have reacted to it?
I definitely agree. It would be good if they did that with other ones that they’ve reacted to as well
I agree! It will be a feature worth adding to their site.
I would recommend Fate/Strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn. It only has one episode so far, however, watching how you guys enjoyed both Fate/Zero and Fate/UBW, you might enjoy this new upcoming Holy Grail War as well!
I think Fury (2014) is a great film to watch, I highly recommend. It’s based on events near the end of WW2 and follows the story of a tank crew. The cast line-up is also crazy with Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Jon Bernthal, Michael Peña and Logan Lerman.
I love your reactions to Firefly, Ted Lasso, and Mandalorian. Especially Mando, as I learned a lot of Star Wars stuff I didnt know. I would like to recommend Dead Boy Detectives, Roswell, NM, and Sense8. You probably wont be able to do the last, as there is a lot of graphic sex and violence. Maybe if youre careful with the editing? Teen Wolf would be a good replacement if you cant do Sense8. I think you would enjoy it, even if you cant react to it. For movies; I would rec Red, White, and Royal Blue. It’s a gay romcom, so I dont know if you can, but it’s very hartwarming. The Greatest Showman and Onward ar my two other movie recs. Thank you for all you do, i really appreciate your humor and varied areas of knowledge.
I think you guys should check out Interview With The Vampire the tv show.. its so fantastic and i think you all would really enjoy it 😀
I think you guys should check out Interview with the Vampire, it’s genuinely the best written and acted show on tv!
You guys should react to Teen Wolf one of the best TV shows I’ve seen
I hope you guys continue with the Indian movie reactions. I voted for some popular ones. They’re all Bollywood (Hindi). I’ll try to vote for some from other regions if any one of those get chosen. They’re not crazy action movies, but still entertaining.
Yeah, it got marked as potential spam for some reason, so I had to go in and manually approve it. Should be good now!
please react to grim adventures of billy and mandy or Chowder
My Anime pick were for Blindwave were “Made in Abyss” , “Madoka Magica” and “Land of the Lustrous”
TV shows I want them to react to is: Dan Brown the Lost Symbol – see if they can figure out the ‘mysteries’
Transformers prime and finish Ben 10 ultimate alien.
Movies: Johnny English trilogy and the Lego Batman movie
Is the recommendation still open? I want to vote for Twin Peaks and Bojack but nothing comes up when I type in a movie/show.
Recommendations are always open- if you are getting an error or something could you fill out the help form here:
so I can take a look?
Here is the direct link to the recommendations page for convenience’ sake:
Im hoping they do regular show or lego ninjago
Fr tho, I grew up watching that show
I voted For Black Lagoon(The anime) and all the text for the option was in Japanese instead of just Saying Black Lagoon in English. Not really a problem considering I was still able to vote for it and I guess it makes some sense considering it’s an Anime it was just kinda weird (Edit- I see now that most anime in the system appears like that. )
Can we get the ability to see top recommendations? It would be cool to see what’s doing well so we can get some recommendations of our own
My 3 recommendations are
1) Youjo Senki
2) Durarara
3) Overlord
In order of how entertaining I think it would be to see a react of them.
Until I find a better option to replace them or they win a react 😛
None Of My Anime Ever wins if did they would have done Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon a long time ago or Yu Yu Hakusho or Konosube. My new recommendations for Anime Are Or Animated Shows is For Calvin withc Eric goes back and reacts too Classic X-Men like the did with DBZA or Game Of Thrones . But Sense they went into X-Men97 maybe they all could revisit Spider-Man which came out then too
My 3 Show recommendations is 1 Live Action Show and 2 Animated as in series Live Action Show Ive pushed for this a couple times but its not been on here and my request is Grimm its kinda older show and it had 4 seasons and its something with new lore and built for Blindwave stype debating later.
next series is the Animated Series . Since we did or Doing Batman The Animated Series Id Like Original X-Men done and then can go into X-Men 97 and so guess Mean Classi X-Men
Classic Animated X-men
This Anime I have wanted reactions to and nobody is doing this poplar anime and its Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon.
Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon .
Is Itt Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon
Here are 3 Movies
Red With Bruce Willis and John Malcovich
Zootopia Animated Disney Movie about Animals
Meg and Then Meg 2 down the line
They are about Monster Sharks
Would be amazing to see top 10 or something! It’s interesting to see what other people are voting for.
I wish I could see what’s popular so I could perhaps cast my vote for at least one option that I might like but didn’t think about until I saw that many others wanted to see it. Right now it feels like yelling into the wind with no clue if they’ll ever hear it.
My recs are a little different, and are given to perhaps attract different demographics to your channel (I know you’re aiming for 1million subs.)
My movies are 1980s cult classics that are enjoyable (Buckaroo Banzai, Ice Pirates and The Pirate Movie.)
My tv shows are British classics without too many episodes (The Prisoner – 1968, Black Books – 2000, and Green Wing – 2005.)
My thought is that these will be a laugh for you guys and your regular viewers, but also bring old farts like me to your channel.
Thank you sincerely for all the time and effort you put into this. I immediately recommended the original “Star Trek” tv series. It would be the beginning of a deep exploration into one of the greatest sci-fi series of all time. I think Eric and Aaron would greatly appreciate it, considering their love for Star Wars. The original show has some incredible episodes, and I think the more dated episodes would be just a fun time for the group, with old fashioned fights and outdated effects. Plus this would open the door for the Star Trek movies, which are some the greatest sci-fi films ever made (not every movie off course…). This would also open the world up better before leading into one of the greatest tv shows of all time; “The Next Generation”.
Is there any reason it’s 6… forever? Not “per day” or “per week?”
Not sure I understand what you are asking- you can switch out your recommendations as often as you want.
Gotta have more like-minded people recommending Taskmaster
For shows I picked Primeval, transformers Prime and Jojos bizarre adventure, I can only really see jojos actually making it to a poll considering it did before but, I would love to see all 3
I dont think any of my tv picks would get chosen due to low fanbases, but the reactions would be so good!
I picked misfits(uk), into the badlands and warrior!
I’ve voted for Battlestar Galactica. I’m desperate for you guys to watch it. It’s such a good show.
Voting for Baccano and Durarara immediately
Waiting on Black Clover or Bleach one of this days
Amen brother, amen
I would give anything for y”all to react to BoJack horseman, ANYTHING!
I want to recommend one piece the series but there’s only movie recommendations. How can I add a recommendation?
You have to scroll down until you see “ワンピース”. For some reason, their database uses the japanese name for anime shows. Good luck trying to get them to watch One Piece though, it’ll only take 20 years to finish 😂
with their current, one episode a year (April 1st) it will take millennia
This is a great update to the recommendations! My mind was scrambling all the time to have just 3 so this is great. Thankyou all
In moments like these, I always forget what I actually like… At least I can change my list whenever.
I love this update!
I vote they watch the secret Blindwave employee training video alá Krusty Krab training video. WE KNOW it exists, YOU CAN’T HIDE IT FOREVER😂😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
vote for konosuba and psyho-pass please!
so is that 3 votes for movies and 3 votes for shows so 6 in all or 3 votes in all
6 votes all together.
So if I’ve picked 3 movies i can pick 3 tv shows as well with that??
Yep! Try it out!