Attack on Titan 4×4 Reaction
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God, I’m sorry for being one of those people. But hearing the dub after watching the sub is like nails on a chalkboard. Gabi is especially bad I can’t even tolerate it.
Way late, cause im on a rewatch kick, but i watched both sub and dub as they came out, and i can truly say the show was so much better in dub. Besides a few dumb changes like Annie’s removal of warrior in S1, its a better experience. The dub acting and voice work is much better
Oooo, Zofia got that bad luck put on her alright… yesh….
I just wanted to let you guys know in the seen with erens grandfather. The three dark figures are the Yeager family finding the body of grisha’s sister.
Great discussion, guys! Also, I loved you guys breaking into song… so many songs, so little time lol.
ta todo travado o site
Man they’re gonna miss so much good shit when they look away to write things down in the upcoming episodes
That’s why they watch Dub lol