Ben 10: Race Against Time Movie Reaction
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I don’t think I ever laughed this hard since the Last Airbender, the room and Tucker and Dale!!! Can’t wait for the next live action.
i was 8 when this came out and loved it, i was annoyed that we didn’t see more aliens at the time, but never noticed how bad it looked haha
its important to know. both live action ben 10 movies are for some fucking reason directed by Alex Winters
I can tell Eric was not enjoying the movie from beginning to end. Which made me enjoy watching their reactions and the movie even more. I remember watching this movie when I was younger and thinking how awesome and amazing it looked. And I remember specifically loving that opening scene with Heatblast and how cool he looked. But watching it now, I’m just like “oh…I mean it’s not that bad but it’s still pretty terrible.” It truly was a solid 3 out of 10 of how Heatblast looked. I just can’t wait until they watch the other movie IYKYK 😉
I’ve had all the Dvds, many toys and I was there for the premiere of this, even recorded the 6hr marathon and the Fried Dynamite interviews on vhs. Ben 10 is my childhood. That being said this movie’s animation is atrocious, even downright offensive as a fan, but this does have a special place in my heart. Also, Lee Majors, woot!
I wanted them to watch this movie, because I knew it would be a great reaction and that Rick would have a good time lol
Now I feel we need more bad movies Food fight when
i cant beleive how much of this movie i remember considering i havent seen it in 11 years
Lee Majors “The Six Million Dollar Man” was in this? Ok. Haha. Loved the reaction guys! The movie…….ummmmm
amazing reaction erics face was killing me
This is 100% one of my favorite reactions ever
i KNEW IT! i said “5.2 mil budget”
I’ve never seen this movie, nor did I really know it existed. That being said.. y’alls reaction when you realized it was live action was hilarious!
Wicked Chaotic Neutral move with the bottle Rick.
i dont see what yall see or hear what yall hear. i didnt hear the beeping that annoyed calvin and i dont see any flickering over gwen’s face…….
Can’t believe I was around 7 when I first saw this
i was 23
Luckily Destroy All Aliens is much better since it’s animated with all the original voice actors.
Really looking forward to Alien Force.
this is super power rangers and i love it! the villain even has his own putties!
thats THE lee majors aka the 6 million dollar man bka the bionic man. he ran so the bionic woman could walk
the same reason they make any animated show live action: MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNEY!
This is the Dragon Ball Evoultion for Ben 10 fans. It’s not good at all but it is always funny to see other peoples reactions.
This video is broken or something, it keeps stopping
You know this is exactly how I thought they would feel about this movie. I figured Rick would have a good time but everyone else would be like why is this a thing
And poor Eric he seemed so excited at first when they realized it was live action
Absolutely loved their stunned reaction to realising the live action the Dragon Ball Evolutioned it before that movie was even the thing, twas the era after all when they would take a beloved animated franchise and would ruin its Legacy with janky looking after effects.
yeah it is a bad movie but I honestly think knowing that it is fun to watch at least once
thank god this isnt the last thing they see from OS, destroy all aliens definitely is a much better segway into AF
i think rick is going to like it, its a fun bad movie
The character growth
Eric at the beginning of the series: “If only this were live action.”
Eric now: “You need to keep it in animation.”
Yeah poor Eric he seemed so excited at first when they realized it was live action
Who told them to actually watch why would you do this to us and to them
This was made during the dark era where Cartoon Network was trying to go live action.
I can’t believe they watched this. I also can’t believe they went in so blind they didn’t even know it was live action.
Man. I mean I get why this is cannon (although I feel it’s more soft cannon lol). But boy. I remember being so freakin excited for this, only to be utterly disappointed. And I was a kid! Lol well, teenager, but still. But I will say, I think it might have crossed over into Rick’s realm of bad movies enough for him to enjoy it as much as he did lol
best day of my life will be doing full length I love blind wave
I really didn’t want them to watch this movie, but I’m gonna be honest, it was worth it to watch Eric’s face the whole time.
I know. Eric’s suffering just brings me joy in these types of reactions.
Honestly yeah so true, just his shocking face everytime Ben transforms into an Alien is just so hilarious. Especially with the opening scene with Heatblast, he literally had his mouth wide open for almost the entire scene which was just so hilarious to me.
So this was a made for TV movie, and it had a pretty small budget, even as a big ben 10 fan, it’s not great, but when I was a kid in 2007, they made a big event around this and it was cool
Eric looked so upset all reaction. Poor soul
This might be worst than the room
I never thought we’d end up here
Ghost Freak was an exception not the rule. His species specifically store conciousness in their every cell (mumbo jumbo magic) so the DNA in the omnitrix was storing his personality. Presumably Eon in this instance was using very similar logic.
The 10 minute timer is for battery capacity. Once used it has to recharge.
I may be forgetting if they have an episode in any series that outright says in dialogue the time limit is for battery, but even so that feels very unlikely when we’ve seen Ben in numerous occasions (future and present) over all the shows override the time limit and the watch can just go as long as he wants and often take either no time to recharge or just the usual time. The timeout function has been given other explanations, from here saying its a failsafe, to Azmuth saying it only happens cause Ben slams the watch. Whatever explanation go with, if any, the battery capacity one feels the least likely
So yeah, Alien Force is coming up, that’s pretty cool, right?
God, I forgot how terrible this movie is, haha. This also might be my favourite movie reaction the guys have done!
This is going be hilarious, mainly because even as a kid I found it cool, but knew it was bad.
Oh no. I had forgotten I had seen this movie. To me this was like DBE was to Eric. Was so hyped for this. At least they have Alien Force to look forward to.
I know your comment was subjective and personal, but this is nowhere near the travesty that DBE was.
this doesnt have chow yun-fat tho
To all those who doubted me when I mentioned they’d almost certainly do the live action film, HA