Soul Movie Reaction

January 23, 2021

3 thoughts on "Soul Movie Reaction"

  1. really good film. better than inside out. the characters werent too spastic as they usually are.a bit predictable though. as soon as he was in the memory museum i figured out the whole “your spark/passion/talent isnt your purpose”, its what you do with it that is your purpose. joe’s passion/spark is music but his purpose isnt to perform but to TEACH

  2. For me it wasn’t the best of Pixar movies, but was pretty solid. Nice plot, characters and idea behind it. Inspired me to do more, so I guess the message worked!

  3. Man I loved this movie, It’s been difficult just sitting down and watching a movie, but this movie got me to watch it all the way through, and it gave me a spark to try new things

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