Spider-Man: No Way Home Movie Reaction

March 17, 2022

9 thoughts on "Spider-Man: No Way Home Movie Reaction"

  1. I love this Tom Holland Spiderman the most because this is the movie where he truly becomes Spiderman. Spiderman has always been a tragic character, and his quippy attitude is how he copes with the trauma. So many people hated Holland’s Spiderman because he felt like Iron Man Jr, but Holland’s Spiderman origin story spans all 3 films. He goes from having everything to having next to nothing and then has to sacrifice the rest.

  2. I noticed something watching this for the 3rd time, with you guys… When Tobe’s and Andrew are talking to each other in the lab, it feels as if they’re talking more as former spider-man actors than as peters. “I’ve got no time for Peter Parker stuff” hints at Garfield not being able to do anymore movies after his 2 entries. “it’s complicated” hints at Tobey’s departure from the role. And “It’s harder for guys like us” or however they said it, hints at how both were a bit older than the role was always intended to be, but Tom Holland still has a very youthful face after 5 movies, not including endgame. ALSO… I swear on my life the Sandman scene after he’s cure was literally ripped from the 3rd tobey film and reused in this one. Spiderman 3 was always my favorite, and that scene really stands out to me! Glorious reaction! Thank you all for your tears. Especially, Calvin lol

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