The Legend of Vox Machina 1×9 Reaction
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ashley (pike) was working in NY on the Blindspot and would often skype in to play – her astral projection moments are when she skyped in and work amazingly well in animation
I think after you finish the season you should watch a video of the compiled moments that mirror the episodes! It’s great to see the differences!
!Non-Series-Related-Spoilers! I promise, this doesn’t impact your watching of the series whatsoever!
You’re actually interestingly close on the topic of Delilah! You guys were guessing that she somehow knew where to find the book or had some general idea of where to find this dark magic. The players didn’t find this out while they were playing, but Delilah was actually a very powerful mage, part of a ruling council of mages in a Kingdom across the ocean, and her title was The Archmage of Antiquities- her job was searching out ancient artifacts from the past. Her going to a ruin and finding the book in the animated series is a nod to that, whereas in the original campaign, the book was never a plot point.
The original canon is that Delilah, for all her power, couldn’t save her husband no matter how hard she looked for the answers, and in her grief she screamed her fury into the astral sea, until one day something whispered back and promised to save her husband in return for her service. She accepted, Sylas was made a vampire, and she continued to serve the Whispered One until her necromantic experiments were discovered and they were ousted from their Kingdom – and then the Whispered One sent the to Whitestone.
The moment between Vax and Keyleth when he confesses his feelings, he actually does kiss her and then Matt cuts to break hahaha
The backstory of the Briarwoods was not included in this detail in the game, They used the animated series to show this.