Even Teen Titans is in its own continuity, it has loose connections to the DC Animated Universe. Speedy appeared in Justice League Unlimited with the same character design he has in this show, albeit older. Having Wally being voiced by Michael Rosenbaum indicates this could be the same version of Flash from the DCAU.
I pick number 2
Ah, Kyd Wykkyd, one of my og crushes (after Beastboy & Raven)
and in less than 30 minutes, this kid-flash was more effective than the entire team flash has been overall in 8 seasons
This is painfully accurate.
so not true regarding the fantastic four. its currently like 8 memebers. the grimm kids (2) and the richards kids (2). they in every issue and where costumes. before the grimm kids came along it was 6. this has happened several times over the years especially when folks would take a break, come back and they would keep the replacements around for awhile. they even stopped being the fantastic four for a while and where the future foundation, so they could still be called the FF and that team had SO many people cause they basically became the xmen, training the next generation of super geniuses
i had a different reaction. me: ah, they got micahel rossembaum to do kid flash too, that tracks. it CLEARLY sounds like him to me…………….
micahel rossembaum also voiced Wally in Justice League Unlimited, which makes sense he is Wally here
Even Teen Titans is in its own continuity, it has loose connections to the DC Animated Universe. Speedy appeared in Justice League Unlimited with the same character design he has in this show, albeit older. Having Wally being voiced by Michael Rosenbaum indicates this could be the same version of Flash from the DCAU.
I pick number 2
Ah, Kyd Wykkyd, one of my og crushes (after Beastboy & Raven)
and in less than 30 minutes, this kid-flash was more effective than the entire team flash has been overall in 8 seasons
This is painfully accurate.
so not true regarding the fantastic four. its currently like 8 memebers. the grimm kids (2) and the richards kids (2). they in every issue and where costumes. before the grimm kids came along it was 6. this has happened several times over the years especially when folks would take a break, come back and they would keep the replacements around for awhile. they even stopped being the fantastic four for a while and where the future foundation, so they could still be called the FF and that team had SO many people cause they basically became the xmen, training the next generation of super geniuses
i had a different reaction. me: ah, they got micahel rossembaum to do kid flash too, that tracks. it CLEARLY sounds like him to me…………….
micahel rossembaum also voiced Wally in Justice League Unlimited, which makes sense he is Wally here